General Information
Chief of Police
Josh Thompson
Police Clerk
Jenny Riedl
Phone Numbers
(816) 633-7575 Emergency: 911
Fax: 816-633-7221
Emergencies: Dial 911
310 S First Street

Police Services

Vehicle Unlocks

This service is provided to residents, guests, and those who work in the city limits of Odessa. Proper identification is required as well as signing a waiver of liability for providing the service.


Police reports for traffic incidents are available to the individual(s) involved in the incident or their attorney upon request.


We can only process criminal fingerprints. To obtain fingerprints for personal reasons, i.e. job application, please visit the Missouri Automated Criminal History System (MACHS) at

Extra Residential Patrol

The Police Department provides extra patrol to those residents who have extended stays outside of Odessa.

Identity Theft Victim Packet

If you are a victim of identity theft, please click here to obtain a helpful packet of information.